Easy Way To Build An Email List With Facebook Ads FAST

In this article, I’m going to show you the Easy Way to build an email list with Facebook ads with thousands of email subs.

You'll understand all the steps you need to do to build your email list using this exact same process and how to turn them, into buying customers.

And perhaps best of all…

I’m going to reveal a secret to this strategy you can use to not only build your list But how to make money on Facebook that finances the campaign for you.

Essentially spending virtually nothing to build your list.

Now before jumping into all this…

There are three stages in this process...

Building An Email List Big Picture Overview

With the big picture, you’ll start with using the Facebook conversions campaign if you're using the older version of Facebook.

If you have the ODAX version select the lead campaign sending people directly to an opt-in page, that directly then takes them to a thank you page, and puts them into your email list.

Now, on Facebook objective, There are two ways to do it.

You can either use the lead forms where people stay on the platform, or send them off the platform to your opt-in page.

Screenshot of selecting website or instant forms

And here’s the thing…

Should You Use Lead Forms Or An Opt-In Page

You’ll find you get more sign-ups with lead forms.

However, these sign-ups will be low quality as compared to your opt-in page.

When you’re sending people to your opt-in your creating more commitment from the user by taking more actions.

Because by getting someone to physically go to your website, and put their info in, increasing the level of commitment and filters those who are less likely to purchase down the line.

This is why I personally recommend sending them directly to your opt-in to build your list on Facebook over lead forms on their platform.

But at the same time…

there are some advantages to the lead forms…

Such as, if you don’t have UTM set up and are not tracking all the data since post ios, you can gain more data by keeping people on the platform.

But with all this said…

Step 1: Lead Magnet

It all starts with the lead magnet…

But what your lead magnet is going to do is attract your audience with something of high value.

Something digestible getting your prospect into action and on the path of the desired result they want to achieve.

You want your prospect to say “wow this is absolutely incredible if this free stuff is this great I bet their paid stuff is amazing.”

But what this is really doing, is that it gets them into a preframe or perception of knowing how good your stuff is.

Then you put the lead magnet into a drive file and deliver it through your email.

Now to get prospects to take you up on your offer of the lead magnet you want use an opt-in page.

Step 2: Convert Your Prospects

Here your goal is to communicate your offer and to get your prospect to enter their info to get your lead magnet.

You want to keep this as simple as possible and don’t bog them down with too much info or being over salesy.

The image below is an example of a simple opt-in that I use, and it’s the same style optin I use on my other business that gets up to a 70% conversion rate.

opt in page break down with headline copy and call to action

All that’s required is to use a headline…

Bullets, and a call to action, and That’s it!

But saying that…

The headline, bullets, and call to action are all that’s needed.

You don’t need to over complicate this page, there are many other top marketers that all use a headline, bullets, and a call to action button!

And then once you’ve done this…

Step 3: Set Up Email Sequence

You should attach a thank you page after someone opts in…

You will need this page as you’ll want to set this up for Facebook to track your leads when someone opts-in.

10 Steps To Build A Facebook Ad For Building An Email List

1.Go to your ads manager and click create.

2.Select leads, label everything including campaign, ad set and ad name, then click continue.

Screenshot of creating new facebook ad lead campaign with entering names for ad set campaign and ad.

3.Turn advance campaign budget off and then click on the ad set level.

Screenshot of facebook campaign level turning campaign budget off.

4.Select website, your pixel, and lead as your conversion event.

Screenshot of selecting conversion pixel and conversion type for ad set facebook ad

5.Scroll down and enter your budget.

6.Scroll down and enter the audience targeting.

7.Select your placements.

Placements selection facebook ads

8.Click on the ad level.

9.Enter your headline, primary text, and image.

10.Put your opt-in page in the destination URL.

Facebook ad screenshot of destination URL

How To Make Your Facebook Leads Profitable

When you start to get traffic and leads coming into your funnel…

What you want to eventually do is for every dollar you put into advertising to get your lead you want to get a dollar back.

So if you spend a thousand dollars you wanna get a thousand back.

You should already be sending people to an offer in your email list, but what you want to do is to take an offer you already have, and put that offer into your thank you page.

Essentially creating your One Time Offer.

Diagram of cold traffic opt in with one time offer for replacing thank you page

So every time someone opts-in they get a chance to take you up on your offer.

So if you have your offer let's say at 27 dollars…

You’ll expect to work towards making a break-even point at 27 dollars.

And then continue to take those sales and put them back into your advertising campaign so basically you're getting leads for nothing.

It’s how you can build a list to 100s of thousands and continue to make offers on the back end to make your profit.

Now that you have all of this setup, you may be interested to learn more about making money with Facebook ads and how to build a sales funnel.
