Top Method For Creating High Converting Lead Magnet Email Sequence

In this article, I’m going to reveal the top method for creating a High Converting lead magnet email sequence and how you can start doing this today.

Specifically, you’re going to know the structure and how to write an email sequence for a lead magnet.

Your email list will be the most valuable asset of your business

Your email is the rainmaker that rains money every time you send an offer.

And with an email list, can also be used for retargeting so you can get more from your list.

But here’s the thing…

Your lead magnet is the cornerstone to bringing in the best leads that convert eventually into money.

And if you get this wrong it will be the difference between getting bad leads or no leads or quality leads that you build a relationship with and eventually convert offers into money.

And perhaps the most important thing about growing your list with your lead magnet, is that 99% of people will not buy immediately from clicking your ads or even discovering you organically.

And the real sale is developed in a relationship between you and your list and following up after they’ve opted in.

Now let's take a look at the bigger picture of the method required for creating a powerful sequence that gives you the best ROI, and answering the question…

What Is An Email Lead Magnet

Your Lead Magnet is going to be the thing that pulls in and attracts your audience which gives them high value.

When you create it, it needs to be digestible getting your prospect into action and on the path of the desired result, they're trying to achieve.

You want your prospect to say “wow this is absolutely incredible if this free stuff is this great I bet their paid stuff is amazing.”

It creates the perception of knowing how good your stuff is before they even buy.

How Is A Lead Magnet Structured

Your lead magnets starts with your:

  1. Lead Magnet.
  2. Opt-in Page.
  3. Thank You Page – OTO Page.
  4. Autoresponder Sequence – Follow Up.
  5. Split Test Your Opt-in.
Diagram showing lead magnet funnel process

This is the big-picture structure of where your lead magnet fits into the funnel process.

So let’s go through each of these elements in detail and what you should do for your strategy before going into how do you make an irresistible lead magnet.

Your Opt-In Page

With your opt-in, your goal is to communicate your offer and to get your prospect to enter their info to get your lead magnet.

Keep this as simple as possible and don’t bog them down with too much info or be over salesy.

Thank You Page Or One Time Offer OTO Page

Your thank you or OTO (One Time Offer) page should be something you consider in the sequence, it’s not essential and not needed.

However, it holds so much power in this lead magnet email sequence.

You can have the chance to make an offer of your product or service.

And if you are spending money on ads you can get between a 0.5% to 2% conversion rate that helps to break even in your ad spend.

What Is Email Sequence And The Autoresponder

This is where on the first email you’ll deliver the lead magnet.

And in an autoresponder sequence, you can create a chain of follow-up emails that lead to your offer.

Now if you don’t have a follow-up sequence then you can put your list into a broadcast where you send emails when you write and send them out.

This is an opportunity to increase your skills in writing and learn how to write good emails.

And the more you do this you can eventually use some good converting emails to build onto an autoresponder in the future.

Improve And Split Test Your Opt-In And OTO

Your aim with converting your lead magnet in your opt-in is around 50% and your OTO goal should be around 1-2% and all it takes is to split test the headlines and offer.

You always want to improve these numbers to get the best possible conversion for your business even when you pass these numbers you should continue to test for higher conversions.

How Do You Make An Irresistible Lead Magnet For This Sequence

To make an irresistible lead magnet for this sequence your goal is to pre-frame and prepare your audience to buy and help them get into action as fast as possible, and get them closer to their result.

You should already know your customer and if you still don’t fully know this you must build out an avatar and get close to knowing your perfect customer as much as possible.

Your job is to help them close the gap to help get them where they want to be.

And you're going to be their helpful guide to get them there, so you must know who exactly you are serving.

Now some elements of a good lead magnet are simple and digestible for them to consume.

They are results-focused and help prospects in the shortest time possible, make it specific, and don’t generalize the lead magnet.

Lead Magnet Email Sequence Examples

A question you should ask yourself...

What’s the best way to help get your customer or client to the result?

And if you’re unsure here are some great ways to deliver a lead magnet...

  1. Checklists.
  2. Blueprint or guides.
  3. Audios.
  4. Video Training.
  5. Consulting.
  6. Cheat Sheets.

So you need to figure out which is the best type of lead magnet to create for your prospect and what you think will match how you want to help them get to the result.

Let's explore these in more detail below…


Checklists are very actionable and can help some get pointed in the right direction.

Let's say you are in the weight loss niche, you could have a checklist of all the things required to help them lose weight.

And that one thing that might be missing could fill the gap in helping someone reach their goal.

It will help with their memory and make sure you give them consistency to help them reach their goals.

Or let’s say you help someone run ads and create a checklist of all the things required to make sure they optimize their ads could help them know exactly what they are missing.

But perhaps best of all…

When you’re the one who gave them this help, who do you think they’ll want more help from when they make a purchase?

Blueprints And Guides

Blueprints and guides are powerful to help map out exactly the steps someone needs to attain a specific result.

It's like setting the sat nav to help them reach their destination.

Now, when creating these you want to make it as easy as possible and breaking these guides and blueprints into steps will help do exactly that, such as:

  • The 7 steps to losing weight.
  • 5 steps to catching your first fish.
  • 7 step system to converting your leads.
  • Or even the 15-minute guide to HIIT Training.


Audios can be great and easy to consume whether it’s a meditation to help people relax or a yoga ambiance sounds to help with their sessions.

Or even a special interview filled with golden nuggets can be put together and given to help the user achieve a result.

Video Training

Video is an incredible way to visually demonstrate helping people most efficiently.

However, they are difficult to create but if you find that your niche is best suited for video then by all means video is a brilliant way to help train someone to achieve their result.

Consultant Strategy Sessions

Now let’s be real for a moment.

From most people’s perspectives, consultation calls and strategy calls usually mean a sales pitch.

And if you’re not so great at closing and selling then this could be quite difficult.

Also the thing here is that advertising for this can get really expensive.

On the flip side, these sessions can convert higher ticket prices but be careful creating these if you're not good at closing.

Cheat Sheets

People love something that can give fast results and that’s where cheat sheets come into it.

Cheat sheets can be full of notes that give years of knowledge broken down into notes or even fill-in-the-blank templates that require little effort but give big rewards.

Questions To Ask Yourself When Creating A Lead Magnet

So now you should have ideas floating around of all the different types of lead magnets you can create.

But to help you further here are some questions you should think about before choosing and creating your lead magnet…

  • What’s the result your customer wants?
  • What style of content would be best suited to help deliver that result?
  • Can you think back to your results and how you got there, and if you could have only known something back then that could have helped you what would that be?
  • What would be the flops and problems you encountered that you would help people avoid?

Then translate all of this back to your lead magnet and then there’s something I want you to think about...

There’s an element of time here, and one thing you don’t want to do is procrastinate and look for perfection because ultimately you don’t know if what you create will work until the market responds well to your lead magnet.

And there’s a matter of speed in implementing your lead magnet to discover if it’s viable.

So do the best you can and get it out FAST, and in time you can start to refine and make it better once you know the concept works.

And after all of this if you feel stuck or unsure of what to do you may want to consider looking more into how to write an email marketing strategy.
